I'm currently Head of research at Castle.
In this role, I focus on improving Castle's bot detection engine through different approaches, including behavioral detection, HTTP/browser fingerprinting and (residential) proxies/infected IP detection.
Before that, I spent 5 years at DataDome, where I was VP of Research, overseeing the SOC and threat research team.
Before I joined Datadome as an R&D engineer, I was a PhD student at the
University of Lille and Inria (France).
My PhD focused on browser fingerprinting.
I explored how it can be used for tracking, as well as to improve security on the web.
In particular, a part of my work focused on using browser fingerprinting to detect bots and crawlers such as Chrome headless.
Whenever possible, I try to open source the code I write on my
Github profile.
In my spare time, I work on a free API to
detect IPs used by bots.
List of publications
- Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, Xavier Blanc. FP-Crawlers: studying the resilience of browser fingerprinting to block crawlers. MADWeb'20-NDSS Workshop on Measurements, 2020
- Antoine Vastel, Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy. FP-STALKER: Tracking Browser Fingerprint Evolutions. IEEE S&P 2018 - 39th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2018 (Acceptance rate: 12%)
- Antoine Vastel, Pierre Laperdrix, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy. FP-Scanner: The Privacy Implications of Browser Fingerprint Inconsistencies. Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium, Aug 2018 (Acceptance rate: 19%)
- Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy. FP-TESTER: Automated Testing of Browser Fingerprint Resilience. IWPE 2018 - 4th International Workshop on Privacy Engineering, Apr 2018
- Peter Snyder, Antoine Vastel, Ben Livshits. Who Filters the Filters: Understanding the Growth, Usefulness and Efficiency of Crowdsourced Ad Blocking. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, June 2020 (Acceptance rate: ~16%)
- Vikas Mishra, Pierre Laperdrix, Antoine Vastel, Walter Rudametkin, Romain Rouvoy, Martin Lopatka. Don’t count me out: On the relevance of IP address in the tracking ecosystem. Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (Acceptance rate: ~19.4%)